Brow Lift

Brow Lift Procedures In Barrie, Ontario

A brow lift will improve the appearance of your forehead by raising the skin around your eyes caused by aging, excessive fat deposition or genetics.

Brow Lift Procedures in Barrie, Ontario

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a procedure that raises the eyebrows and tightens the skin around the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. A brow lift can be performed alone or it may be performed at the same time as a facelift to remove excess skin and tighten muscles in the middle and lower face.

The surgical technique that your plastic surgeon recommends will depend on factors such as:

  • The position of your eyebrows
  • The amount of excess upper eyelid skin you have
  • The height of your hairline

However, every patient is different, so Dr. Tumi will assess and inform you of your specific treatment needs!

Benefits of a Brow Lift


Smooths Facial Creases


Restores A Youthful Arch


Quick Recovery Time

The Ideal Candidate for a Brow Lift

Older adults who have sagging skin around their forehead may be a candidate for a brow lift. Younger adults who have a naturally low brow, or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or muscle overactivity, may also benefit from a brow lift.

Sometimes, patients may focus their attention on excess skin in the upper eyelids and not realize that it is their sagging eyebrows that are the cause of the problem.

The best way to find out is to book a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a personalized assessment.

A $1,500 non-refundable deposit fee is required at your time of booking. The deposit reserves your surgery date and prevents double-booking. All surgical fees include all pre-op and post-op care, compression wear and scar cream.

The full surgical payment is due two weeks before your surgery. All prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to HST.

Book Your Brow Lift Consultation Online

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