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Body Surgeries

Reshape and transform your body with BPS’ body surgeries.


People are sometimes left with empty, hanging folds of skin after pregnancy, serious weight loss, or with aging.

When this loose skin is surgically removed from the belly, it is called abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Thigh lifting is for loose inner thigh skin or posterior thigh skin.

Benefits of an Abdominoplasty

1. Renews Body Shape
2. Minimizes Excess Skin
3. Tightens Skin
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This surgery is designed to tighten loose and flabby skin. Body contouring surgery changes the texture of the skin by stretching it thereby making the looseness and wrinkling less apparent. Body contouring surgery may be combined with liposuction. Liposuction is designed to improve fat bulges, not to tighten loose skin. 
As with liposuction, tummy tuck surgery is not intended to correct obesity; patients should be at the normal or near-normal weight before surgery

Loose skin cannot be removed without leaving scars, and body contouring often means long incisions that result in long scars. Dr. Tumi is an experienced Barrie tummy tuck surgeon who will make every effort to give minimal scars and to conceal them in the least visible areas.

Although scars will fade over time, you should know that the scars will be permanent and that their final width, height and colour are not entirely predictable.

While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss them with Dr. Tumi during your consultation. Normal activities can usually be resumed within a couple of weeks and many people return to work the third week after surgery. It can take 6-12 months to see the final result of body contouring surgery.

The ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty has sagging skin and extra fat that they would like to get rid of. As with liposuction, an abdominoplasty is not intended to correct obesity; patients should be at the normal or near-normal weight before surgery. Book your consultation with Dr. Tumi and he can let you know if you’re an ideal candidate.

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Mini Abdominoplasty

Get rid of your lower belly pooch with a mini abdominoplasty.


A mini abdominoplasty is similar to a regular abdominoplasty but is less invasive. The surgical procedure targets the area of the stomach under the belly button known as the pooch. A mini abdominoplasty won’t alter your belly button as a full abdominoplasty would. In addition, it won’t change the appearance of the entire stomach.

Benefits of Mini Abdominoplasty

1. Transforms Body
2. Gets Rid of the Pooch
3. Less Invasive
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During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will make a 4 to 8 inch long incision in the lower abdomen. They will then tighten loose muscles and remove any excess skin. Loose skin cannot be removed without leaving scars, and body contouring often means long incisions that result in long scars. Dr. Tumi is an experienced Barrie tummy tuck surgeon who will make every effort to give minimal scars and to conceal them in the least visible areas.

Although scars will fade over time, you should know that the scars will be permanent and that their final width, height and colour are not entirely predictable.

While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss them with Dr. Tumi during your consultation.

Normal activities can usually be resumed within a couple of weeks and many people return to work the third week after surgery. It can take 6-12 months to see the final result of body contouring surgery.

After your mini abdominoplasty, you will have to wear an abdominal binder for several weeks to help your stomach heal. You will be able to see some results immediately after the procedure, but will have to wait around 6 weeks for the swelling to subside.

Mini Abdominoplasty Before & After

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Liposuction is the most popular surgical procedure in Canada!

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from different parts of the body. Liposuction can be effective in many areas of the body: arms, abdomen, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, and under the chin. Dr. Tumi, an experienced Barrie liposuction surgeon, will assess the quality of your skin and may ask you how your areas of localized fat were affected by weight loss in the past.

Benefits of Liposuction

1. Targets Specific Areas
2. Transforms Body
3. Small Incisions
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Fat is removed by first inserting a small tube (a cannula) through tiny incisions close to the area to be suctioned. Incisions are very small – usually under a quarter inch.

While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation.

Dr. Tumi’s liposuction patients may be asked to wear a compression garment for the first several days after surgery so that the tissue can “learn” its new shape. You can usually return to work in just a few days, though you may still have some swelling and bruising which usually subsides within a couple of weeks. It is not uncommon for a touch up to be required later to further improve an area that has been treated.

People who are not overweight but have isolated areas of fat that they cannot get rid of through diet and exercise are good candidates for liposuction. Liposuction is not effective for cellulite. You are more likely to get good results from this procedure if your skin has good tone and elasticity which helps to achieve a smooth result following fat suctioning.

Dr. Tumi, an experienced Barrie liposuction surgeon, will assess the quality of your skin and may ask you how your areas of localized fat were affected by weight loss in the past.

Liposuction Before & After

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Get slimmer, youthful arms with an arm lift surgery.

Brachioplasty, or arm lift, is a surgical procedure by which the skin of the arms are tightened while the scar is placed in a less noticeable location (camouflaged). Sometimes it is combined with liposuction to smooth out irregular fat buckets.

Benefits of Brachioplasty

1. Slims arms, removing “bingo wings”
2. Improves body image
3. Eliminates signs of aging
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Dr. Tumi performs arm lift or arm skin tightening surgery under general anesthetic at the Hospital. It is usually a day surgery and recovery will take a couple of weeks, but the final outcome will take much longer as the scar usually takes more than a year to mature.

Dr. Tumi will let you know during the consultation if you are a good candidate for the surgery, as well as details and information about the surgery technique, complications, and post-operative course.

Arm Lift Before & After

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Thigh Lift

Get shaplier, leaner legs with a thigh lift!

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that improves the contours of the thighs and may be performed in combination with liposuction and other body lifts. Tightening the loose skin of the thigh by cutting the excess skin; the excess skin or part of it is usually a result of weight loss. 

Thigh lifts are not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where the skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally conform to new body contours.

Thigh Lift Surgical Steps

Incision Technique

The decision to have a thigh lift is a personal choice. You will need to look at the benefits and risks along with potential complications. While the majority of patients do not experience complications, it’s important to understand and discuss the risks with Dr. Tumi during your consultation.

When your procedure is done, dressings may be placed on your incisions. You may also be wrapped in an elastic bandage or compression garment to help reduce swelling. One or more tubes may be placed under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood that may collect. Post-op instructions may include: care for your wounds, medications to apply or take orally, follow up with the doctor.

Thigh Lift Benefits

1. Lessens Thigh Rubbing
2.Shaplier Body
3. Youthful legs
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Thigh Lift Before & After

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Male Chest Reduction

Men ‒ Boost your self confidence about your chest with male chest reduction!


Male chest reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, is a procedure meant to reduce the size of male breasts. Because of weight gain, hormones or other medications, some men develop larger breasts known as gynecomastia. Losing weight can help reduce the size of the breasts, however, oftentimes there is still excess glandular tissue left. The surgery will remove excess glandular breast tissue and may also involve liposuction.

Male Chest Reduction Benefits

Natural Looking Results

The plastic surgeon will remove excess breast tissue via an incision in the margin of the nipple-areolar complex and/or skin excision. Your plastic surgeon will remove the excess fat and tissues through the incisions while also sculpting a natural looking chest contour. The procedure is usually performed under local or general anesthesia.

Most patients do not experience severe complications following male chest reduction surgery. Some of the common minor complications that may occur include bruising, bleeding, fluid collection, contour irregularities, scarring and loss of nipple skin.

After your surgery, you can expect to return to your normal activities after two to four weeks. Most patients can return to work after one week and exercise after the first couple of weeks. Patients normally experience swelling and soreness immediately after the procedure.

Male Chest Reduction Before & After

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Body Fat Grafting

Erase wrinkles and reshape your body with body fat grafting.


Body fat grafting, also known as autologous fat grafting, is a surgical procedure that removes fat from one area of the patient’s body and transfers it to another. The fat is most commonly taken from the thighs, abdomen, arms, hips and back, and is transferred to the breasts, buttocks, face, or hands and feet.

Body Fat Grafting Benefits

Easy Recovery
Transforms Body
Natural Looking Results
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Your plastic surgeon administer local or general anesthesia depending on the volume of fat removal. The fat will be obtained via liposuction through one or several 3 -5 mm incisions. The fat will be separated from any blood and other fluids.The fat is then evely injected to the targeted area through a small cannula. The whole procedure will take about one hour depending on the size of the area. 

Patients will need to prepare for their surgery at least two weeks in advance. You will need to stop smoking and drinking to help your body prepare for recovery.

Most patients do not experience severe complications and it is usually a safe procedure. Some possible complications after the surgery include developing an infection or thick scars, adversely reacting to the anesthetic, or collecting a pool of blood underneath the skin.

Body Fat Grafting Before and After

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