Laser: What Is It and What Is It Used For?

The Laser uses breakthrough technology to treat a variety of concerns with various procedures. This one of a kind laser features changeable advanced laser heads for different treatments. The different treatments use various forms of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). This amazing laser offers so many more treatment options for Barrie Plastic Surgery patients with less downtime, less discomfort, and quicker results.

Laser Treatments

Whether it’s facial or body concerns, the Laser treats it all!

Barrie Plastic Surgery offers the following advanced laser treatments at our Barrie office. Contact us for a consultation to find out more about how the Laser can treat your concerns.

Forever Young BBL – Reprogram the Age of Your Skin

Send light energy deep into your cells to influence gene activity related to aging. The result is youthful, beautiful skin that is actually programmed to be younger! Stanford University researchers found that hundreds of genes involved with younger skin were activated, while those associated with aging were turned off.

This procedure can treat any area of your body, but most commonly the face, neck, and chest are treated. This non-invasive, gentle procedure allows you to return to normal immediately, with virtually no downtime. The number of treatments depends on your particular instance, but regular treatments, at least once a year, have been proven to actually stop the aging process!

Forever Clear BBL – Your Skin is in the Clear!

A revolutionary acne treatment like no other. No downtime, no drugs, and faster results. This treatment uses powerful light to comfortably and effectively clear acne with no creams or medications needed. Forever Clear BBL uses a 3-step process including blue and yellow Broad Band Light and infra-red light in rapid gentle pulses.

Your personalized plan will be developed with a physician, along with follow up treatments and skincare routines. A typical treatment can be as quick as 15 minutes, depending on the area. It takes just one treatment to start seeing improvement, but treatment time and frequency depend on the patient. It is non-invasive and generally does not require a topical anesthetic, but it all depends on your needs. There is typically no downtime and normal activities like wearing makeup can usually resume immediately after. An aftercare plan will be provided, and complete healing usually occurs one week after treatment. Get your skin in the clear with Forever Clear BBL!

Forever BARE BBL – Dare to be Forever Bare

Get beautifully bare skin with the Forever Clear BBL (Broad Band Light). This comfortable treatment has virtually no downtime, with typically faster and safer hair removal versus traditional treatments. This laser hair removal treatment uses pulsed light to deliver photothermal energy to hair follicles. Rapid, short pulses of this energy cause the hair follicles to stop producing hair, and this doesn’t harm the tissue surrounding the follicle.

BBL Treatment with Sciton Laser

This treatment targets hairs in the active growth phase. Not all your hair will be in the active growth stage at once, so multiple treatments are required to treat all the hair in the area. Any area of the body can be treated and most areas require 3 to 5 treatments at 4-6 week intervals. Your long-term results will depend on the hair’s thickness, area, and growth cycle. Aftercare is simple, with very little care needed. You may notice what seems like hair regrowth after a few days or weeks, but this is actually the hair being shed and it will not be growing back!

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser – Regain That Competitive Edge

The Halo treatment targets skin damage and visible signs of aging like wrinkles, discolouration, sun damage and more. This combination treatment uses deep dermal revitalization with epidermal renewal. It targets the right depth for precise and effective results.

You can see results from this treatment just 2 to 5 days after your HALO treatment. However, your skin will continue to improve with time. Most patients see the best results after 2 to 3 weeks. You will work with your clinician to create a personalized plan of treatments. The treatment has minimal discomfort, but your clinician may use a topical ointment. After your treatment, you should keep your skin protected according to instructions, but afterwards, you can resume normal activities. After the first 24 hours, your skin will peel and continue to peel over the next few days. HALO results will last for years to come as long as you continue to protect your skin from UV damage. The Hybrid Fractional Laser uses advanced technology for comfortable and quick, effective results without downtime.

Before & After Laser Treatments

Still not convinced? See the amazing results from so many Laser patients.